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SunVest and OE Solar Selected to Build 31.6 MW in New Mexico

Press Release

SunVest and OE Solar Selected to Build 31.6 MW in New Mexico

Partnership marks SunVest’s entrance into NM’s solar sector; allows OE to scale its business


Chicago, Illinois, May 31, 2023 – A joint venture between Albuquerque-based installer Osceola Inc. (OE Solar) and national developer SunVest Solar, LLC, announced it was selected to build 8 projects totaling 31.6 MW as part of the New Mexico Community Solar Program. The venture, SVOE LLC, provides a unique mix of national and local experience that reflects statutory goals for developing, building, and operating community solar projects in the state.

The selected projects will be located across all three investor-owned utility service areas:

  • El Paso Electric service area: 1 project totaling 5 MW.
  • Southwestern Public Service Company service area: 2 projects totaling 7.75 MW.
  • PNM Resources service area: 5 projects totaling 18.875 MW.

SVOE’s principals combine national experience in mature community solar markets with local knowledge and subscriber management capabilities to make each project successful. SunVest is one of the largest vertically integrated developers of distributed solar projects in the U.S. OE Solar is an engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) firm with a proven track record in New Mexico and other states.

“SunVest is excited to combine forces with OE Solar on this endeavor as we increase access to solar energy in New Mexico,” said Bram Walters, CEO of SunVest Solar LLC, which will provide financial backing and development expertise in this partnership. “OE Solar understands how to construct solar projects in New Mexico’s unique weather conditions and has longstanding relationships with its utilities,” Walters added.

OE Solar assisted in developing the SVOE portfolio and will provide full engineering, procurement, and construction services for the portfolio. In addition to increased access to solar-generated electricity, SVOE has developed alliances with select community colleges to create curriculum, scholarship, and internship programs that will set students on a path toward well-paying, family-sustaining careers in the solar industry.

“SVOE intends for its projects to have a long lasting, positive impact on the people, economy, and environment in New Mexico,” said Adam Harper, CEO of OE Solar. “Our partnerships are specifically intended to provide tangible benefits for disadvantaged individuals, minority, tribal communities, and American veterans.”

Community solar projects allow subscribers to invest in the development of solar power without the need to install solar panels on their individual property. Residential customers, commercial and industrial building owners, municipalities, and utilities can generate local, affordable, renewable energy for themselves and their neighbors, making clean energy accessible for all.

About OE Solar
OE Solar is a family-owned solar installer serving New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Utah, and Colorado. OE provides energy solutions to commercial/industrial and government customers. They have installed over 650 solar systems in New Mexico, including the largest community solar project in the state at Picuris Pueblo. Learn more at

About SunVest Solar, LLC
SunVest Solar is an experienced developer, operator, and owner of commercial/industrial and community solar facilities. SunVest has successfully developed 95 megawatts of community solar assets nationwide and currently owns/operated 47 megawatts of community solar in Illinois, Minnesota and Maine. Learn more at