Turn Crop Land into Thriving Solar Farms – Harvest More Money with Less Effort

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Turn Crop Land into Thriving Solar Farms – Harvest More Money with Less Effort

Land is imperative to survival; crops of food, animal grazing, pollination, and now harvesting solar energy. A lot of work goes into crop land from fertilizing, planting, feeding, watering, harvesting to worrying about the weather and machine maintenance. Ultimately, farmers don’t see a payday until they sell their crops, so it can be a risky investment if the climate isn’t up-to-par. When choosing to install a solar farm on your land, it is a very low risk investment because your investment is only a signed lease. The developer will take care of installation, maintenance and any increase in property taxes that are attributed to the project. Landowners who switch their crops for solar typically make 3-4 times the amount conventional farming.

Does this sound too good to be true? Well it shouldn’t. Solar is rapidly increasing for both residential and commercial properties. Non-profits are utilizing creative ways to have solar sponsored on their buildings, and tribal nations are building self-sustainable communities. Solar communities and farms allow those who may not have the means to install solar energy equipment on their home, another way of utilizing clean energy.

How Solar Works for Crop Farms

If you have six to ten acres of land that is clear of buildings and obstacles and is located near a power line, you could cash in on your own solar farm. In return, your land would be potentially generating up to 1 megawatt (mW) of solar energy, which is equivalent to powering 200 homes. SunVest Solar is dedicated to conservation and clean energy so each community solar farm is reseeded and made into a home for pollinators. This allows for the land to build back up to be sustainable protecting its integrity.

When partnering with SunVest Solar to build a community solar project, you can expect quality expertise and equipment. The solar panels used have a 30-35-year lifespan ensuring the solar panels will outlast your lease agreement. Lease agreements are 25-year contracts with (2) options for 5-year contracts and all maintenance and operations are done remotely. Typically, in-person service is only necessary twice a year for cleaning and inspection. There are no lights or buildings necessary for this project keeping the area as quiet as before the install.

Partnering in a solar farm build is a great way to give back to your community, while getting a fantastic return on the use of your land. If you are interested in having your land appraised to see if a community solar farm is the right direction for you, give us a call at (262) 547-1200 or contact us here.

Interested to see if your land would qualify? Fill out this quick form to find out your next steps.

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